I like Edmonotone for a number of reasons. One is that it is multicultural in a more friendly way; most Canadian cities are quite multi-culti but Edmo is more friendly about it than , say, Vangroover, where you have huge Asian and E. Indian communities, but they are somewhat unto themselves, and many whities dont really dig it. Not to paint with too broad a brush, but I think Alberta is a better assimilator. We have a Jewish mayor in Edmo and a Muslim mayor in Calgary, so much for the redneck stereotype, at least in the big cities.
I have a well-assimilated E. Indian boss, and a totally assimilated Filipino sales manager. My coworkers are also diverse, including an Icelandic Metis whose dad is from my old home province of Manitoba. More native Indians than subcontinent back there, and Metis is practically the norm in nortend Winterpeg. Plus the slavs, scots, jews, etc. etc. but all crossbreeding over the past 150 yrs. My g-f knows a gal who is Jewish/Cree (You vant some halvah wit yr bannock?)
I love having light rail transit, because it takes me where I need to go more directly and no stopping for lights. Also, it seems a bit more civilized and euro. I indulge in a adult beverage at times standing on the LRT platform, the tallcan Bacardi n coke looks a lot like an energy drink.
Today was a lucky day in a few ways. I had a very successful week at work (we sell stuff) as did most of my co-workers, and we rocked the previous record for sales per week. Let out a bit early with pay, so we dont get the national boss in too much of a lather, wanting us to do that every week. We are blue-collar minded guys (also a feature of Edmo culture): if we go hard for the team or just plain get lucky, we dont want the foreman to expect that every damn day. Then I just missed the bus, but it stopped for a long train, so I walked up and knocked on the door, and didnt have to wait 15 mins for the next one. Also , a few months ago I upgraded computers, and left a favorite old game in the drive of the old one. I had asked the guy at the store to put it aside for me and I would pick it up, and 3 months later, it was still there. Age of Empires 1a , Rise of Rome, from like 1999. I love slaying those villagers.
This big village I live in, I dont slay. With equanimity I work, walk and ride, and maybe enjoy a beverage or several. Cheers!