Lovely day, soft evenin, I have some bevvies at home, then I go up to the Ave. to restock about 11pm. I walk the first few familiar blocks then I am waiting for the 'walk' signal, taking my time cuz lots of Albertans think red means go. I am crossing from the south, a party is crossing from the north: 4 guys with mean ass looks on their face and new Walmart fashions, one chick in a dress, but also sporting a "I have a nasty bug up my ass" look. They are all muttering and casting evil looks about, halfway across the Ave., the chick starts going 'fagGet, fagGet, fagGet' like from a bad Tobe Hooper movie, and the guys are all flexing their cocked arms and darting their eyes around like rats in an empty granary. Not to profile, but they sounded like New Brunswickers, and maybe the priests there are a little too free with the Sunday school class. I have noticed some hate comin out of that province. Lots of nice people too, I am sure, but maybe those arent the ones that come to the Big City out West.
Allright, I tinks to meself. I didnt change expression or look at them, doin my New Yorker thing. I go to Brown Guys Liquor, get a few beers and a shortie of Jameson's, exchanged some pleasant words with the regular Saturday guy, then reverse course to go home. On the return trip, I was following some guy with bags of bottles who looked kinda gay-ish, and sure enough he was met halfway up the first block by 2 Asian guys who definitely seemed gay-ish, and they hugged him, in a friendly way. Then told him he was 'expected at the Hive cuz hundreds of thirsty worker bees were waiting', and they all laughed and went on.
Now, who would any sane person want to be friends with? The first group, or the second?
Hate or hugs?
Hugs for me, thanks.