Saturday, July 9, 2011

tales from milltown Alberta

A younger gal at work told a couple tales which are distinct to a certain type of life or area of the world.  Just for context, she is a short but tasty girl, early 20s but mature for her age, and in a relationship which will probably be longterm.
She grew up in a forestry/pulp mill town in the Rockies. Her dad worked in the local economy, at the mill or cutting trees or hauling. But he also had a little room in the house where he grew a different cash crop. She was given an assignment in Grade 3 to draw a floorplan of her house. She was quite accurate with most of it, here is the kitchen table, here is the couch n TV in the living room, etc., but she also included the room she wasnt allowed to go in, blacked out and labelled 'Secret Room'.  I think there might have been some raised eyebrows at the school.
She also told about being out with her dad for a walk across a frozen lake at age 4, wearing a brimmed red hat she liked, just out for a stroll on a warm spring day with the dog. The lake still had two feet of ice, but the odd soft patch. They are truckin along, her dad hears a 'sploosh', thinks its the dog jumping in puddles, then looks around and sees girl's hat floating on a puddle of icy water, but no girl in sight.  Dad jumps in, fishes her out, she said that her response was "I didnt even cry. I just said 'my boots are wet'." Hardcore of her, and she is feisty smart little filly.

People from places without lakes that freeze over 3 feet thick, strong enough for regular 'ice roads' upon which semi-trailers drive for 5 months/year, might have a hard time comprehending that tale. But I think she has a a great dad, and she shows the guts he taught her to have.  And she is damn cute and smart too, and her guy better consider himself lucky and treat her right.

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