Sunday, September 18, 2011

the Time Machine, AKA oh me oh my oh

Was chattin with my nephew last night, he's a good feller. Wants to win at everything, and generally does, Scorpio hockey star engineering student. We had some good bonding time when he was 4, he was right into this cartoon with cows as cowboys, Dakota was one, anybody ringin a bell on this?  Anyway, I was mindin him, we went out to the pasture at his folks', gathered dry wood and put stones down for a pit, then cooked 2 cans of beans in the hot embers. Fortunately I brought an extra can cuz young Will (aptly named) wanted more.  Cowboy beans. He still eats a fair bit o beans, good low-fat protein, but he aint livin with his g-f yet. Fart factor.
So, in our convo he mentioned a time machine. I would so go back to the pre-Reagan era, 72-79.  And welcome him to come back and check it out. Watch Nixon fall on the news, or not even have a frickin TV. Cheap smokes, beer, gas, weed, decent workin -joe wages, thanks to the work people did in the 60s, and about half the people on the planet there are now. I dont hate people, nor races or creeds, but its gettin crowded on this ball , and i miss the critters. Hunting mammoth, wackin a few passenger pigeons for a pie...
My point? i think its under my hair, ha, not really , I have kind a sean connnery dome but more hair on it. Oh yeah, listened to this tune 5 times today. Its a gooder. Relative to time machine? should also post a young Bonnie Raitt doin Angel from Montogmery, I fell in love with her about 10 times.
Let's all go back to 72 and do it over. Give Jimmy Carter 3 terms, not the fucking Bush Nazi-trading dynasty. Diagnose Reagan's dementia early, put a hit out on Saddam. Solve it, not react to it.
Here's some Gillian , dont have any Bonnie handy.

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