Friday, April 22, 2011

sickness, work, sick at work, = infecting half the staff

Had a nasty sore throat fever thing, cough cough cough, on Mon., Tuesday, and still in fact have it. Due to being ina job where I talk a lot on the phone, going in for Wed-Thurs slowed the recovery and probably gave it to half my co-workers.
No paid sick days, had to get a doctor's note to prove I wasnt lying about my 103 fever and searing throat pain. Even though I had already sacrified 2 days pay. Have to please the corporate overlords. Workers cannot be trusted and are all replaceable.
I accomplished more in 2 days being sick on the job than any of my coworkers did in four, being allegedly well,and was a bit of a Typhoid Harry as well, I'm sure. By next week, the groaning and coughing will be a symphony.
Thank goodness for a stat day today. Sorry about the nails JC, if that really happened.  I appreciate the extra sleep and not having to go out in the world, whatever the reason.

(grumbles, coughs and sniffs off...)

1 comment:

  1. yeah I can relate...just got over some shit ass cough too...
    so keep it there!

    We had some snow here in Ontario yesterday please keep that your way too :)

    a new reader
