Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tony Baloney and the non-grad Grad Party

Went to 2 different high schools in nortend Winnipeg, Garden City and West Kildonan ;  technically, neither of them are in the Nortend (Wpg. is divided pretty sharply into hoods, or was in my day) but they were on the north  side of the city, as it was in the 70s.  I could have graduated high school at 16, due to skipping grade 2, but I flunked 300 math as a result of missing a month with double viral pneumonia which just about killed me at 16.
Anyway, I mostly had friends from way back that I stuck with, but I made a few new ones at high school, and one of these was Tony Baloney, an Italian guy I knew at Garden City.  We hung a few times after I went to West K, different school 15 block away, we went to Supertramp at the Playhouse in '76 (possibly on acid), and we would run into each other around.
So after going back to finish 300 Math, plus an option I didnt need, but whatever, if you are at school you might as well learn stuff, I ran into Tony in April, after I had finished all my credits hence, had graduated.  It was unseasonably warm, like 24 C. (75 F.) and his parents were away. So we got a 40 pounder of Southern Comfort, Tony's favorite tipple, and adjourned to his back yard.
We had the speakers from the house stereo out on the patio, we were in reclining lawn chairs, and his passion was the Allman Brothers Live at Fillmore East, so we listened to that all day, 4 sides, then repeat.  On vinyl of course, but it was one of those turntables that after it finished, it would go back and start again. So we might have heard 16 sides over the afternoon.
We were drinkin the Southern with apple juice on ice in tall glasses.  Kinda sweet but had some vitamin C. Eventually we both passed out and woke up with a spring sunburn.
Didnt see Tone for a few years, next time I did,  he had lost his football players build, and much of his hair, was workin for the feds and bitchin about office politics. How soon youth fades for some.

But we had us some times. Salut, commendatore.


  1. Hahahah
    Yes, aging blows.

    I wish I could go back to when I was 16, ripped on zoomers at a Bad Religion concert.

  2. ckrets gave me your link...

    it is amazing the way life passes and then kicks us as it passes...

    wings fan since i was 10ish..

    Bruce Johnson JADIP
    Evil Twin
    stupid stuff I see and hear
    The Dreamodeling Guy
    The Guy Book
    The Guy Book

  3. Hows she goin Bruce (hugs out Ckrets). One of my friends said this seemed like writing my memoirs, like nothing else was going to happen, but to me, it seems more like identifying and describing cool or odd shit that has already happened, with a hunger for more cool and odd shit.
    peace, GO HABS GO
