Saturday, January 22, 2011

No One is Available to Chat

We have created and defined a new rejection with the 'social network'.  If you have 62 people in different timezones, shouldnt you have someone, anyone, who is awake, alert at their post at the computer or fucking phone, and ready to respond to whatever minor whims you have? Even at 5 a.m.?  No. Sorry, mang.  Thats not how it is.  I had a moment of 'Oh Nobody is there' then I grew up suddenly.
Hey, if I wanted somebody to always be there I had many chances for a completely co-dependent relationship. I also had a few chances at a worthy part-time relationship, distance related.  But I kinda bailed on all o that, so far.  I might be redeemable, but if a gal could get a guy with a 7 digit  bank and no kids, I would say, go for that guy.  My dog is my most important relationship. Its the unconditional love and few demands part that keeps me going.
And, he wont live for ever. Ideally 30? by which time I will be 68, pretty much ready to put in the home. I dont even want to think about my dog dying. What if there was a secret formula I could kill people and inject it into my dog, that would enable him to live till he was 100? and maybe I could tag along, even tho I drink a lot of beer and listen to punk rock n shit. (not always, but I hear Jesus isnt big on punk rock)..  What if..

 Hmm.. what if I gave this idea to Chris Walter, would he front me something off the publishing deal?

nah... fucker. he would just give it to the poor. Or feed his kid or some shit.

1 comment:

  1. Look at Jesus dude...that hair totally rocks the punk.

    Now if that formula did work...what kind of physical shape would your dog be in? Puppy like then ages rapidly till you inject him with another murdered person's lifeforce? Aging slowly is painful enough, I don't think rapid would be good.
